Wednesday, May 07, 2003

the thirty-six figures of rhetoric

  • figures of diction (in which the form of words is modified): prosthesis, epenthesis, paragoge, aphaeresis, syncope, apocope, metathesis, diaeresis, synthesis, crasis
  • figures of construction (which concern the natural order of words): ellipsis, zeugma, syllepsis, hyperbaton, pleonasm
  • figures of speech (tropes): metaphor, irony, allegory, allusion, catachresis, hypallage, synecdoche, metonymy, euphemism, antomasia, metalepsis, antiphrasis
  • figures of thought: antithesis, apostrophe, epiphenomenon, subjection, obsecration, hyperbole, litotes, prosopopoeia, hypotyposis

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